Insurance SmartHealth Maxi Violet

POSTED ON November 26, 2017 BY ADMIN

SmartHealth Maxi Violet is health insurance that can be used by individuals and families.

SmartHealth Maxi Violet provide replacement care costs if you or a family suffer from an illness or accident with variations Plan affordable.

SmartHealth Maxi Violet has a Basic Benefit Inpatient and Outpatient Benefit Supplement ie, Dental Care and Childbirth.
Some SmartHealth Excellence Maxi-Violet Allianz

Cashless medical facilities with ease (non-cash payments) in the Allianz network hospitals-Admedika in Indonesia.
Premium discount of 5% if you include your family members.
Additional benefits as additional options for compensation Daily hospitalization costs.

Featured :


  • Medical facility with Cashless convenience (non-cash payment) at Allianz-Admedika network hospital in Indonesia.
  • Provide a varied and customized Plan to suit your needs as well as your family.
  • Provide Inpatient Benefits with Selected Benefits in the form of Outpatient, Labor, Dental and Additional Benefits Options in the form of Daily Benefit for additional hospitalization costs.
  • The choice of payment system claims Reimbursement and eAZy Claim when treatment is done outside the Allianz Network.
  • No Claim Bonus if there is no claims record for 1 policy year and you renew the policy, then the renewal policy will get bonus discount calculated from policy premium last year. This discount applies to premium per Insured.
  • 5% premium discount when you include your family members.
  • There is no yearly limit and no waiting period, except for the Labor Program.